How to Take a Stress-Free Vacation from Work

Posted on 20th Jul, 2018 by Barbara Davidson

Taking a vacation from your stressful job sounds great in theory — that is, until you’re forced to de-stress and disconnect from the office. Vacation is meant to put some space between you and work so you can have time to relax and put your hectic mind at ease. However, mulling over all the work you’ll miss and what you’ll have to catch up on may make you more stressed in the end. In order to avoid that, here’s how you can enjoy a stress-free vacation from your demanding job:


Prep Your Team 

Once you have decided that you’re ready to take a vacation, give your direct manager and co-workers at least two weeks notice. If you’re in charge of a team, this will give them time to prepare for the extra work in your absence. Also, be certain to direct your team to a specific person while you’re away in case of questions or emergencies.


Plan Your Trip

Most likely, you’re in the office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Due to the fact that you’re always on a schedule, try to plan as much of your vacation as possible. Sure, this takes away some of the spontaneity, but removing the uncertainty from your trip could bring you comfort and increase relaxation.


Check in… But Only Once

If you’re planning to vacation for a week or more, choose one day to check your email and respond to co-workers about projects. This will take some of the edge off when you get back to work and cure your curious mind (we know you’ll be thinking about work often).


Back to Work

If possible, try not to schedule meetings or anything stressful on the first day you return to the office. If your calendar is public, block it off so no one else schedules meetings either. You will likely need a day or two to get back into the swing of things and catch up on projects and emails.


De-Stressing Hacks

We all need a little help with stress and may not have the vacation time available, so check out these de-stressing hacks to implement the next time you’re feeling a little tense… 

  1. Take a breath and then take control.
  2. Exercise daily and make time to meditate before or after work.
  3. Socialize with co-workers about non-work-related activities when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  4. Avoid unhealthy foods like salty snacks and sodas. Go for the natural sugar, like fruit, to keep you peppy as opposed to sluggish.
  5. Try to remain optimistic and plan ahead to avoid any miscommunication or unexpected bumps in the road.
  6. Accept what you can’t change and keep working hard!



About Barbara Davidson

Babs is Lead Content Strategist and financial guru. She loves exploring fresh ways to save more and enjoy life on a budget! When she’s not writing, you’ll find her binge-watching musicals, reading in the (sporadic) Chicago sunshine and discovering great new places to eat. Accio, tacos!